About Us

The Diamond M Club is a a non-profit fundraising organization that supports the all-volunteer SMU Mustang Band, famously known as both "The Hub of SMU Spirit" and "The Best Dressed Band in the Land."

The organization began in 1970 as the Mustang Band Alumni Association, but reorganized itself in 1985 as the Diamond M Club.

The Diamond M Club membership is not limited to Mustang Band alumni. Anyone who enjoys the Mustang Band - SMU parents, campus staff, sports fans - can join.

Member dues and donations pay for Mustang Band uniforms, game-day meals, away-game transportation, instruments, and most importantly scholarships.

At the end of each fiscal year, a portion of all funds raised is added to a special SMU scholarship endowment account.

The Club by-laws outline three organizational goals that seek to "provide for the support and advancement" of the Mustang Band:

  • Develop, enhance, and maintain an endowed scholarship fund for the Mustang Band
  • Promote fellowship among current band members, alumni, and supporters of the Mustang Band
  • Disseminate information to the Diamond M Club membership

The Diamond M Club is operated through the SMU Office of Development and managed by a board of directors elected by the membership. Board members serve two-year terms and meet once a month.

If you want to know more click here to contact us or click here to join now!

Thank you to our generous Drum Major Sponsors who helped feed the band on the Boulevard this season!

Click here for more information about Boulevard Sponsorships.

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Support the Diamond M Club and SMU!

Come to the Londoner to watch SMU v Stanford  See CALENDAR for details.

Alumni Get your chops in shape!  Homecoming is 11/02.  Details in ALUMNI BAND.

Board of Directors

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